
Anonymous and Free Payments: How is This Possible?
Read More to Find Out

We've all wished at some point to enjoy a product or service without paying for it, or at least without feeling the financial burden. Keep reading, and by the end, you'll understand how we achieve this, unveiling the secret and how you can help us make it happen.

What happens when you give each person a grain of rice?

Some might discard it, others will save it for a future purpose, and some will use it to trade for a service or something else in return. Those providing services will accumulate these grains of rice, forming mounds that they can later exchange with others. This is the natural cycle of the economy.


It's a new concept of decentralized payment, where every registered and verified user on the platform can pay only for the content they consume without incurring any additional costs or debts.


Each registered and verified account receives an hourly payment, provided it's claimed at least once a week to avoid losing the accumulated money.

What does this solve? / Who are our target users?

Small and medium-sized businesses often rely on ad monetization, a method that can detract from the user experience in many cases. In riskier scenarios, a business may offer a free service to hook users and get them to spend on their platform, covering these costs from the start. PayStream offers a practical and simple way to monetize your service from day one.

Less Piracy, Fewer Viruses

Paying for all consumed content ensures that the product is obtained firsthand, virus-free, increasing revenues for companies and reducing piracy. Knowledge will be free and accessible to everyone, or at least we'll be closer to that goal.

About Ads on the Web

Ads are an incredible way to promote your product or service, essential for increasing sales and generating revenue for free services at the cost of your browsing data. However, the internet is flooded with ads—many waste your time, and others push you to make regrettable purchases.

About Your Data

Big tech knows more about you than you do. In today's internet, you give your data in exchange for services. They use this data to show you more ads tailored to your profile, location, likes, dislikes, and desires—a long list of privacy invasions. It may be too late to stop this entirely, but not to reduce it. Beyond the initial verification, no further information is required, and the payment is automatic and decentralized.

How can we achieve this?

We initiated the development of a customized blockchain capable of handling large transaction volumes with native functions and assets separated by modules. Additionally, we extended the blockchain to a distributed system of computers that processes transactions in two separate steps (verification/authentication and execution) to diversify network functions and achieve faster responses.

Unique Connection to a Validator

One of the biggest challenges in blockchain development is creating a fast and secure consensus. We proposed allowing greater independence for validator nodes, where each account can select a validator node, accepting its commission rules. This node exclusively collects the signed transactions from your account and adds them to its block, speeding up block creation.

The more valid transactions a block contains, the more valuable it is, earning the validator greater rewards. This system also complicates spam attacks on the network.

Account Verification Authority

A verifier authority will be necessary to meet simple KYC expectations to avoid duplicate identities, using the same mechanisms as current web services but without AML requirements like asking for income details.

Operational Flow

To ensure the successful adoption of PayStream by internet services, it must be easy to implement and similar to known methods. Therefore, we equipped the blockchain with two payment methods: presence-based and non-presence-based.

Special "payment services" assets were incorporated, allowing accounts to subscribe and set payment limits, granting permission for funds extraction based on services provided. The presence-based method offers "zero commission" payments, possible due to the nature of payment services—funds accumulate in the service’s account and can only be withdrawn by the service owner, with commissions applied later according to network rates.

Integrated PubSub / Decentralized Notifications

It's not just about blockchain. We integrated an easy-to-configure, optional pubsub system for each validator, sending events of all system transactions, filterable and compatible with older browsers.

Network Protocol

We created our own P2P protocol, encrypted with NTRU-KEM—a more secure key exchange algorithm than x25519 without sacrificing performance. This protocol is designed to withstand quantum computer attacks and uses chacha20-poly1305 for symmetric encryption, chosen for its speed and strong security. This protocol is used not only for the public consensus network but also for the private communication of a validator node cluster.


Developed on top of the validator nodes' blockchain, a round consists of short sessions (1-15 seconds) where each validator node, in its turn, publishes its transaction block, other nodes’ blocks, and receives rewards through a predefined system of penalties and message replication/approval.

Token and Its Properties

PayStream's functionality requires unique token characteristics, so we implemented two tokens: IPN and XPN.

Rules for XPN

  • Issued via Payconnect.
  • Burned during commissions (10% of the total commission amount).
  • Maximum supply of 5 trillion coins.
  • Burned during asset creation.
  • Burned upon withdrawal from payment services according to network-approved taxes.

Rules for IPN

  • Issued during round publication.
  • Total supply of 1 million coins.
  • 9 decimals.
  • To be used in future governance functions.

Challenges and Obstacles:

What do we have?

Currently, we have a blockchain/roundchain with nearly 2 years of development, designed to handle large payment transaction volumes per second and flexible enough to incorporate new functions for future updates. Progress is approximately 85%. We have a demo app available on Google Play.

What do we need?

This project has been bootstrapped independently, and we aim to maintain this profile. Currently, we operate with a small tean of software developers and one interface designer. We need funds to hire more software engineers specializing in blockchain and distributed systems, Erlang/Elixir, C/Rust, Javascript, Java/Kotlin developers, develop the iOS app, build the SDK, and conduct mass performance testing.


Is this technology eco-friendly?

We don't use proof-of-work algorithms for block mining. Each validator node creates its own block, resulting in fewer network requests to define a block and its transaction order. We use simple, secure, and low-energy algorithms.

What is the blockchain developed in?

The blockchain runs on the Erlang Virtual Machine, designed for high performance under heavy request demands—ideal for distributed computing systems. It powers massive services like WhatsApp and Discord. Using the modern, functional, and easy-to-learn language Elixir, and several modules in Rust and C.

What hash algorithm does the blockchain use?

The blockchain uses Blake3, extremely fast and capable of parallel execution.

What about NFTs and Smart Contracts?

NFTs are customized assets on a blockchain, and smart contracts are executable programs within it, overloading the blockchain. This diverges from our primary goal of a lightweight, fast, low-consumption system supporting PayStream. However, we don’t rule it out entirely but have no plans for version 1, focusing on our core task.

Web 3.0, why don't you mention it?

We’re not keen on overusing marketing terms like Web3 or metaverse. Blockchain is a tool that, along with other technological advances, will improve our lives, enabling things like PayStream. These terms misleadingly suggest blockchain is the solution to all current internet problems, positioning it as a superior version for everything, which isn’t necessarily true.

Many Web 3.0 solutions are harder to use than Web 2.0. Shouldn’t a superior technology be easier to use? While solving some problems, they open new vulnerabilities—if your keywords are stolen, you can’t recover your money. Addressing these issues is part of our focus on change.

Considering this, yes, Web 3.0 features will be added to the blockchain in future versions to provide decentralized services that add value to the network and platform tokens.

Why is identity verification necessary?

We must avoid paying the same person twice. In such cases, access to the duplicate account will be removed.

Who is eligible?

Anyone of legal age. Once verified, you can claim the payment.

Universal basic income?

Payconnect feeds PayStream, a continuous payment to verified network accounts, configurable in real time. However, the amount is key. It’s a small amount to help pay for services over a short period, a few hours a day. Universal basic income aims to replace or approximate a salary, which isn’t our goal—to be a significant amount discouraging employment or covering all basic needs.

Will you add AI to the blockchain?

It’s a technology we definitely use and are excited to implement in the platform, helping secure systems and facilitate new financial technology adoption.

Will this blockchain be easier to use than others?

We don’t know all blockchains to give a definitive answer. But we’re sure it will resemble what people are used to on the internet. Accounts use personalized identifiers as alternatives to addresses, preventing payment to non-existent accounts. Security mechanisms for key phrase loss will be added in later versions.

Is it open source?

You can see our projects on GitHub. We have a demo app on Google Play to observe functionality, data structure, and blockchain assets.

If you are interested in learning more about our blockchain, you can check out our whitepaper to understand more about how we can scale to a large number of transactions.

Our Goal: What do we want to achieve with this?

We use technology to help people, which is a recurring theme. It is not about giving away money, but about creating new business opportunities that are more profitable and prosperous than before. This allows us to protect some of your privacy and reduce the cost of living for people, giving them access to all content and knowledge on the internet to accelerate human progress, or so we hope.

How can you help us?

  • If you are a programmer and want to collaborate, you can provide your expertise to complete this project.
  • If you are an economist or have experience in how this new economy should be managed and how to change currency behavior, you can contact our team.
  • If you are a backer, you can provide financial support to help us get closer to achieving our goal.
  • If you are just visiting, reading, and curious, but don't know how to help, you can share this publication with your friends and family.
  • If you have questions about the project or want to share a suggestion, you can contact the team via our email or our discussion group.

Last updated: June 25, 2024