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It is a decentralised payment network that uses roundchain technology, a type of blockchain to create secure and faster transactions. Its acronym stands for Instant Personal Payment Automated Network.

Each decentralised network has its own consensus system. In IPPAN, a shift-based protocol takes place where each node has the opportunity to broadcast its round that will be verified by the other members and replicated as an approving action of the message. The more replication a message achieves, the closer it is to achieving network consensus to be added to the roundchain.

A Roundchain is like a blockchain of multiple blockchains. Each node has its own blockchain, but also shares information with the other nodes to maintain the integrity and consistency of the network as a whole. This shift-based protocol adds automations that significantly speed up consensus time, allowing the network to process and confirm transactions faster and more efficiently. Like a blockchain, in a roundchain the rounds are cryptographically interlinked with each other, with the difference that its data provides information about the published blocks.

Its term comes from the fact that each node in the network has its turn to publish its round, it is nothing more than a signed message with the data of its own and other blocks. For the purpose of adding it to the roundchain.

It is a binary file containing collections of transactions, issued by a network node.

The main difference between a blockchain and a Roundchain is that the Roundchain allows multiple blockchains to be processed at the same time, using a shift-based protocol where each node takes its turn to publish its round with its own block or the blocks of other nodes.

In other words, a Roundchain is like a meta-blockchain that contains multiple blockchains within it, allowing for parallel processing and faster transaction verification. This unique feature makes the Roundchain stand out from traditional blockchain technology.

They refer to digital assets that are created, transferred and recorded on the network. It is a decentralised and immutable accounting technology. These assets are stored in digital form and uniquely identified on a roundchain network, enabling secure and transparent transactions without the need for intermediaries.

Yes, they last a maximum of approximately 15 seconds, which is the maximum time each node has to broadcast its message in its round. It is worth noting that rounds may or may not contain blocks.

Each validating node creates its own block, which it can then publish in its own round or request the node in turn to publish it.

To define it, we must separate two concepts: the digital and the physical.

The validator as a digital entity is an asset that allows it to validate transactions, create its own blockchain, and maintain its share of users. In physical terms, it is a network node that issues and verifies network messages. During its registration it presents its cryptographic key pair, hostname, its minimum commission variables, reference data such as name, image. Each validating node maintains its own blockchain, so the roundchain is the union of all these blockchains.

It is important to emphasize that a node has many functions in the network besides validating rounds, blocks or transactions, it should not be seen as a computer but as a cluster of computers that work in function of the network for the benefit of its owner.

According to the order of registration of the nodes. The validator node identification format is "V-{N}", where N is a sequential numeric value starting from zero. Only a maximum of 20000 active validators are allowed.

It is necessary to register the data in the ippan wallet application and make the corresponding payment according to the network environment variables. Once registered, start the ipncore and ipnworker programs, let them synchronise and once ready, activate the validator from the client application, to give notice of its activation.

They are identified with the @johndoe format, initially @ followed by alphanumeric characters, only allowing underscores except as the first character after the @. Users are accounts that can own properties or assets within the ecosystem. They can exercise actions on assets and make decisions in the network.

IPPAN allows greater autonomy to the validator nodes to achieve greater determination and automate processes, providing acceleration and confidence in the network. It is mandatory when registering an account to choose a validator. It is an exclusivity granted to the validator to verify your transactions, it can be dissolved by changing validator after 25000 rounds.

Rounds are taken as a measure of time in IPPAN, this has a variable time between 0 and 15 seconds, on average nodes take 5 seconds to publish a round, in case they have a block they publish immediately after their turn.

If the node does not have the turn they can send a message with the block data to the turn validator, the turn validator will verify the block and publish it to the roundchain.

A native coin amount, the amount will depend on the size of the blocks and the amount of transactions they hold. The higher the number of transactions and the lower the total block size, the higher the reward.

It is the native token of IPPAN. Its name IPN is a diminutive of IPPAN. It is used in rewards, commissions, purchase or modification of assets and special actions.

It is the currency used for payconnect

The symbol Þ is a graphic elaboration of the Thurisaz of the Rune alphabet, a symbol of strength and disruption. With its revolutionary technology, IPPAN will make a long-term impact on the world of cryptocurrencies, starting with the validation process which is energy efficient and environmentally sustainable.

When 50% + 1 of the nodes in the network agree with the round published by the node in turn, a quorum is achieved in the network and changes are applied to the roundchain. This includes cancelled rounds.

If a node does not post their round within the 15 seconds time limit, either due to technical problems, bad intentions, etc., they are penalised and a void round is recorded in their round. It is penalised and a void round is recorded in its round. If a node publishes a faulty block it is expelled from the network.

When a node fails, the null round protocol is executed, each node sends and replicates the null round with the intention of reaching consensus, it is a message with predefined data about the turn and the node. There are two types, type one is a penalty, a warning when reaching 10 points the node is expelled. Type two is a direct expulsion, this happens when a node has registered a block with critical errors, an example would be to save a transaction with a signature error, this is considered by the network as a critical error.

For the P2P connection between nodes a TCP connection on the default port 5815 is used, encrypted with Poly1305-Chacha20. For key exchange, NTRU-KEM is used, a fast and very secure algorithm resistant to quantum computer attacks.

It is called IPNCORE, it is the program that is in charge of creating the blocks, publishing rounds, synchronising, replicating data and updating roundchain data, it applies the consensus rules.

Ipnworkers: For a validator node to function properly it must also run an additional program called ipnworker, ipnworkers are assistants to the ipncore, they are in constant communication with the core, they perform advanced tasks on the network such as serving HTTP interface for receiving and validating transactions before sending them to the core and storing them in the mempool, transaction queries, distributing payment notifications, logging data history. Workers have a local copy of the updated roundchain which allows them to respond quickly to user requests. Both programs are written in elixir, rust and c programming languages. They run under the erlang virtual machine.


The transactions are messages made by users and signed to execute an action. The json payload of a transaction has the following format: [Type, Nonce, From, Arguments...] [Type, Nonce, From, Arguments...]

* Type (Numerical): It is the type of transaction or action that executes.

* Nonce (Numerical): It is the sequential number of transaction of that user, it starts in one.

* From (String): is who creates the transaction.

* Arguments (additional parameters): They can be many or none, they are necessary to execute the transactions, they vary according to the type of transaction.

It is an asset that represents a real payment service, with the benefit of accepting payments without commissions. By subscribing users can charge a payment on behalf of the user with the limits pre-set by the consumer.

It is a type of transaction that rewards the verified user with a daily amount of coins.

It is a network's own payment method without fees that is generally made for the partial consumption of a streaming service or digital product.

There are global variables in the network, among them there are: block limit per round, minimum commission value, price for creating currency, price for creating validator, price for creating payment service, maximum number of validator failures, name of network administrator.

Among the different types of transactions there are transactions that can be used by the network administrator, which allow to automatically update program code, create backups or back up to a checkpoint of the roundchain. Without the need to pause the network.

It is defined in the network environment variables as: owner. It is a user account with special powers to apply important changes in the network, from updating the system, restoring to a specific point, deleting a node, managing the environment variables, etc.

In future versions, groups of users will be used, and they will be able to perform actions through a voting pool, allowing the power of the administrator to be controlled by the community and not by a person or organisation.

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